
Kemmler and krell the spicy black axe
Kemmler and krell the spicy black axe

And he accomplishes nothing earth-shattering, playing minor saviour roles before getting murdered by the Verminlord Deceiver Darkh'dwel as he duels Archaon in End Times: Thanquol.īalthasar Gelt, Grand Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic We Hardly Knew Ye: Valten is reintroduced in End Times: Nagash, defending the Auric Bastion from Chaos incursions and geared up to be the potential savior of the Empire once again.Religious Bruiser: Ardent Sigmarite and all-around badass.Off with His Head!: A Skaven Verminlord does this to him when he is in the middle of fighting Archaon.Instead of being discovered by Luthor Huss, he travels directly to the north on his own. Multiple-Choice Past: His original background has suffered a minor Retcon.Last Stand: Led the defense of Middenheim against the oncoming hordes of Archaon.In a reference to his fate in the aftermath of the retconed Storm of Chaos campaign where he was killed by a Skaven assassin, Valten is struck from behind by a a Skaven Verminlord. Killed Off for Real: Despite his Healing Factor, Valten is finally killed during his duel with Archaon in Middenheim.Enemy Mine: He joins Vlad in his battles against the forces of Chaos.Drop the Hammer: He dual-wields the blacksmith's hammers of his father.Birthmark of Destiny: He was born with a twin-tailed comet on his chest.The Chosen One: Many people believe that is the avatar of Sigmar himself, and he certainly is badass enough for that.Afterwards, sensing what was growing up, he travels north to join the Empire army that was preparing there to face the Chaos hordes. During a Beastmen attach of his village shortly before the End Times, he grabs his father's smithing hammers and starts to fight the monsters. Valten was the simple son of a smith in the unimportant village of Lachenbad, his only strangeness was a mark in his chest with the shape of a twin-tailed comet: the symbol of Sigmar. Bonus points as Karl was broken, wounded and unarmed at the time. True Companions: Unsurprisingly, to Deathclaw, his gryphon, which he takes the time to liberate from the chaos army.Shut Up, Hannibal!: Gives one to Walach Harkon in their aerial duel.Shock and Awe: After becoming the Incarnate of Heavens he gained the power to hit enemy units with lightning.The Reveal: Karl Franz has merged with and been subsumed by Sigmar, who was bound into the wind of heavens.No One Could Survive That!: His fall from several hundred feet during the battle of the Auric Bastion.Never Speak Ill of the Dead: Karl calls out Balthasar Gelt for speaking badly of Volkmar even after his death.Holy Is Not Safe: His Ascendant form unleashes a wave of light that obliterates any undead or tainted creature in the city.By the time he recovers Ghal Maraz, Karl Franz is no more. Fusion Dance: When he melds with the Wind of Heavens, he shares his body with Sigmar.Energy Weapon: After the twin-tailed comet slams into Karl Franz's corpse, he rises from the dead, wielding the Essence of Ghal Maraz, a hammer made of pure, golden light.Enemy Mine: With Vlad Von Carstein during the siege of Altdorf.Subverted as he's no longer Karl but Sigmar. Empowered Badass Normal: Karl Franz Ascendant.Drop the Hammer: Not only Ghal Maraz, but also Image of Ghal Maraz in his ascendant form.However, the resurrection was not complete until Sigmar was reunited with Ghal Maraz, at which point he takes control over Karl's body. Demonic Possession: The twin-tailed comet that slams into Karl Franz's corpse and resurrects him after Otto Glott kills him actually contains the spirit of Sigmar.

kemmler and krell the spicy black axe

Came Back Strong: Strong enough to repel the Chaos invasion of Altdorf.Back from the Dead: He dies to Otto Glott, but is resurrected immediately thereafter.The Empire has bolstered every force they could, but the situation is really dire for them. Add to this the recent events within Sylvania and the upcoming invasion of Archaon. Two of their major and most strategically vital cities, Middenheim and Nuln, are inoperative because of different disasters ( The Plague and flagellant uprising, respectively). The Empire was always besieged, but now it's on the brink of destruction.

Kemmler and krell the spicy black axe